Sunday, April 10, 2011

What this is all about

Right then, new blog.  Which makes sense... doing something new.

Here is the Production Blog from Xilstudio.   To keep myself sane and functional I am going to be doing a great deal of video work and posting notes, behind the scenes and so forth here.

So then what are the goals?  I have monetized the YouTube channel,
and I am going to try get into the YouTube Partners program, the goal is make enough money to make more videos to make more money for videos.  The overall goal is to get a studio, which allows me to make longer videos, better videos and more videos.

What kinds of videos?  Well I had plans to do longer series and serials, those plans are currently on hold.  For now we are doing short, FX heavy videos, much like several other channels you have heard of (Freddiew, corridordigital, etc).   My channel be a bit different in that I have very different ideas, leaning more toward fantasy and horror than video games and guns. 
check out my Deviant Art page... imagine most of those as short videos.

I have a notebook full of random ideas for funny, disturbing, weird videos.  And starting in May there will be a new video each Sunday (or Tuesday... haven't decided yet).  Either way the Blog will update each Sunday telling you what is up.

So subscribe to the channel, watch all the videos... the more you make them popular the more I will be able to shoot new stuff.

--- Xil

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