Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Body Inflation Tutorial

Mini Tutorial!

Body Inflation Tutorial
                So I got this request, and it was on my list anyway so here we go.  I will take you through how to do this effect step by step with links to all the gear and software I used to do it.  Most of the links are Amazon.com affiliate links, so if you use the link, I get a tiny cut of the sale.

The effect:    We are going to inflate poor Jane from this:

to this:

Here is a link to the final video:

For this you will need:

                A background plate: Just some image of a room or whatever taken about the same angle as you are going to shoot it.   Easy tip.... take the shot with your tripod at the same level you will shoot your actor at.
                A Green Screen and Lights.  You will need to isolate her from the background, this makes it much easier.
                Here is a good kit:


A Camera of course... DSLR would work just fine that here, here is what I use:

                And a Tripod is really needed for this one.
                 An Actor (or actress).  I would recommend pretty close to the costume you see here, long skirt, tight fitted shirt, solid colors without patterns.  Anything more than that would mean a bit of work for you.

Post-Production:  As always I am using Adobe products, you can get EVERYTHING they make for 1 monthly cost, check out adobe.com for details (note... I do not get a cut of that one...)
Also I am using Re:flect Morph by RE:vision  Here is the website for that:
OK, now lets get this set up.
Not much pre-production prep on this one, and you can script it or just let your actress make up stuff.
Set up your camera so you can get a fully body shot on the green screen, with nice even lighting.  I will go over that in detail in a future tutorial.

Have her stand pretty still. More movement means more work for you. 

Jane here tends to rock when she talks, so there was some natural movement to deal with.  You don't want her standing ramrod still but you don't want her all over the place either.
Have her slowly move her legs apart as they clip goes on too and move her arms away from her body as well.  
Make sure she does not cross her arms in front of her body or move them too wildly.
We are doing a 2-D warp on her, so we are very limited in what movement works and what just makes this impossible.
That's it.  Pretty simple to shoot.

OK now the real work begins.
Note that this is how *I* like to do things, you can vary the steps a bit if you want.
I like to edit the clip first in Adobe premiere, trim what you do not need.  Once that is all set highlight the clip with the mouse and right click, then select "Replace with After Effect composition"

Once in After Effects first we will Pre-Compose the footage,  by right clicking on it and selecting:
Now we will remove the green screen.
Use Keylight to drop out the greens (hey that is another whole tutorial).
I am not going to get into Keying just yet, it would make this novel length, but there are many many good tutorials on youtube on about it.

Now we have her isolated and on her new background.

We are going to use the RE:vision Warp Plugin.

Once you run it, you need to create the mask.

Now you have to draw a mask around her body, make it easier for yourself and set it for "none" so you can see what you are doing.  Be careful where you put the points, you need them on her bust and hips with nice curves to adjust.  To get the curve click with the mask tool and drag slightly when creating points.

Like The red mask here.
Now on the mask menu hit the stopwatch symbol

Now you can edit the mask and have it move over time.
Now the super annoying, tedious, long, painful part of all this.
You have to make key frames, she is going to move slightly all the time.  How accurate you are here is how good your effect will look.  I am a lazy video editor, I did about  1 key frame every second, and half second (15 frames) when the movement required it.  Take your time, do this as well as you can.
Each of these dots is a keyframe:

Once you have done this, Duplicate the mask hit Ctrl-D
Now you have two copies, I lock the first one by hitting the lock button:

And then to make life a bit easier , change the color of the mask with this button:
Now you all those changes you just did?  You can do them AGAIN.  This time you can going to slowly move them away from her body, to show her inflating, how much she changes between each frame, that is up to you.  But you have go through and adjust all the points on her mask. 
Blue is her original form, red is the warped mask.

If you Re:flex set to show effect you can see her adjust and expand each time.

That is pretty much it.   Save your work, go back to premiere and render.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Quick recommendations for Someone who Asked.

Ok, first post in awhile.

So I am going to do some quick recommendations for some gear for video production.
Note these are amazon affiliate links, if you use them I get myself a tiny slice, and it helps out a bit.

Up first some basic camcorders!

Vixia by cannon, these are small, lightweight cameras that do a very good job.  I have used them for various things a great deal.

Canon VIXIA HF R700:


Audio recorders:
For recording audio, this is a nice unit, clean sound, very easy to use.  Works well with any mics and has it's own very good stereo mics with it.

Zoom h1 Handy Recorder:

Friday, February 10, 2017


Yeah, I kind of forgot about this.

Turning it back on and I will hence forth post to it weekly to support a new project, a series of books on visual effects for clips makers.
So you will see quick tutorials and all that stuff here as well products and product reviews.
So, let's call this the first step!

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Dinner Party

New video is up:

Check it out, feedback welcome.
Jane helps her roommate prepare for a special dinner.
Rachel Bly as her roommate

Scheming Weasel (slow) by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

The first of my film projects.  We learned many things, which is the point, like not to have mic that close to the miserable camera.
Filmed with a Canon 7D
based on this image:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Work continunes

Well I know I am talking to myself here for the most part, but it helps to stay on track.

The first short is nearly done.  things are taking a lot longer to do because I am taking my time with them.  The short is based on this image:


and it involves Jane inviting a few friends over for dinner.
I am about 85% done with it now, I just need to fix some color issues, add in some nice creative commons license music.

The main problem is... I used the Canon 7D with a external mic, and I placed the mic too close the camera itself so I picked up a great deal of camera noise.  Lesson learned.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Moving Right Along...

Yeah so opening up for weekly updates in May, not going to happen, June, I can do.
I am talking to a large number actors and models, I have scripts and I have even done the first shoot.  So I am moving the plan back a month, to build up content and get more videos ready.

OK back to working on things.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

New video...

Working on the weekly thing... though it isn't an offical launch yet.

So we have another test video up, this time playing with the Shatter Plugin
While not nearly as good as a nice 3D simulation of the same thing, it works.

Link is here: